Keynote speaker Robert Waldinger, MD
Stefanie Simmons, MD
CMO of the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation
On Friday, Sept. 6, Convention weekend kicked off with the first-ever ISMA Physician Wellness Symposium. The all-day event attracted 134 attendees and featured distinguished guest speakers from the Hoosier State and beyond.
Outgoing ISMA President David R. Diaz, MD, a psychiatrist, opened the symposium by welcoming guests and emphasizing the importance of physician mental health. He introduced Indianapolis Colts “Kicking the Stigma” Director Brett Kramer, who discussed the Colts' unique reach and how the organization wants to impact as many communities as possible through its mental health-focused campaign.
Keynote speaker Robert Waldinger, MD, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development at Massachusetts General Hospital, talked about the institute’s decadeslong study of happiness worldwide. Dr. Waldinger said loneliness is as significant a health risk as cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, or obesity. He discussed how his research has found that human connection is a major source of happiness and health in every country, and said that technology can both isolate and connect us. Following his presentation, Dr. Waldinger signed copies of his book “The Good Life,” which was complimentary to all attendees.
Ascension St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis CMO Jeffrey Rothenberg, MD, gave a presentation on how art projects, particularly with glass, have helped him deal with stressors as an OB-GYN. Dr. Rothenberg said he had no background in art despite his current interests and encouraged attendees not to be afraid to try something new. Dr. Rothenberg detailed an array of art projects going on at Ascension campuses across the state and encouraged attendees to try something similar at their workplaces with staff.
“Everyone needs an avocation, not just a vocation,” Dr. Rothenberg said.
During the entirety of Convention weekend, Dr. Rothenberg and his wife, Joani, had a special 175th Anniversary ISMA mosaic art project in the exhibit halls. Symposium and Convention attendees were asked to contribute a piece of glass on the mosaic to help finish it, and the art piece now hangs in the board room at the ISMA headquarters in Indianapolis.
Stefanie Simmons, MD, CMO of the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation, led a presentation discussing training physicians, residents and medical students on ways to prevent suicide, burnout, mental health conditions and substance use disorders. Dr. Simmons said there is a burnout crisis in the health care workforce and offered solutions to the issues that many physicians and their staff face, including working with legislators to pass bills addressing these issues.
A physician wellness leadership panel moderated by Clif Knight, MD, associate professor of family medicine and assistant dean of GME at Marian University Wood College of Osteopathic Medicine, discussed supportive work environments. Dr. Knight was joined by Dr. Rothenberg; Jennifer Bales, MD, emergency physician at Reid Health; Richard Gunderman, MD, PhD, professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine; Shawn Jones, MD, medical director of Provider Wellness at Baptist Health Medical Group; and Rachel Kerschner, MD, pediatric hospitalist and provider well-being committee chair at Columbus Regional Health. Topics during the panel discussion included training on creating supportive work environments, the greatest sources of distress, and getting organizational leadership on board with well-being initiatives.
The event concluded with table talk breakout sessions with event speakers and a reception in the exhibit hall.
After an overwhelmingly positive response following the event, ISMA has decided to hold another symposium during Convention in 2025. More information will be shared next year.
Jeffrey Rothenberg, MD, speaks as part of the "Creating Supportive Work Environments" panel.