Resolution commenting period open

All resolutions submitted by the June 9 deadline for consideration at this year’s convention are now published on the ISMA Pulse digital engagement tool under the “Current Resolutions” tab.

As an ISMA member, you are welcome and encouraged to share your thoughts about the 2024 resolutions on ISMA Pulse until Aug. 11.

There are two ways to communicate your thoughts on resolutions using Pulse:
  • Submit feedback: Feedback lets you tell the 2024 House of Delegates how you think it should vote on each resolution: Adopt it (as is), amend it, not adopt it, or refer it to the Board of Trustees for study or action. You can also choose “No Opinion” if you are neutral on a resolution.
  • Leave a comment: Once you have left feedback on a resolution, you can add additional information, thoughts or opinions. To maintain transparency and encourage interaction, your name will be displayed with your comments, and comments cannot be changed once they have been submitted.
Summaries of resolution feedback from all ISMA members will be posted on Pulse under the “Pulse Summaries” tab after Aug. 12. 

Background information and fiscal notes are still forthcoming and will be added soon. If you notice an obvious error, or a missing resolution, please email ISMA Director of Policy and Government Affairs Luke McNamee as soon as possible. 

Returning Pulse features 
Email visible to members: The first time you log in to ISMA Pulse, you will be prompted to decide whether to allow other users to see your email address and email you directly. If you do opt to receive emails, you can opt out at any time using the menu at the top right of any Pulse page. Also, if you are the primary author of a resolution, you were asked upon submitting your resolution electronically whether to share your email so that other members may email you directly about the resolution. Authors wishing to change their email visibility on their resolution should contact Members who used Pulse last year will not receive the prompt but can change their visibility settings in their profile at any time.

View others’ comments: Users can see what other members have said about a resolution before they leave their own feedback (choose how you think the House of Delegates should vote) or comment (state your opinion).

Reply to comments: Before you can reply to any comments on a resolution, you must submit feedback on that resolution. You cannot change or delete a comment you've posted, but you can post additional comments.

Change your feedback: You can change your feedback – how you think the House of Delegates should vote on a resolution – any time before the comment period closes on Aug. 11.

Daily summaries: Unless you opt out, you will receive a daily email summarizing interactions, if any, on comments that you’ve posted.

Subscribe to receive daily comment summaries. Pulse users do not have to leave a comment to receive notifications on resolution comment activity. Users can receive a single, daily email notification on updated comment threads by simply hitting subscribe when viewing a resolution. Subscribers will have the option to opt out at any time during the comment period.   

New to Pulse: Review updates to 2023 resolutions
New this year, members can review progress on 2023 resolutions by clicking on the “Resolution Implementation” function in Pulse. After accessing the tab, users can see all of last year’s resolutions and the updates made to them by clicking on the resolution links.  

A video explaining how to use Pulse can be found at If you have any questions, contact information can be found via

Reminder on late resolution policy
Resolutions received after the deadline stated in the ISMA Bylaws (90 days before the House of Delegates meets at convention) are considered late resolutions. According to Section 3.020701 (c) of the Bylaws, late resolutions will be referred to the Committee on Rules and Order of Business, which will submit a report to the House of Delegates with recommendation(s) limited to the appropriateness of consideration of those resolutions. The report of the committee shall be considered in the same manner as any other reference committee report, and the House may accept or reject any recommendation of the committee.

The Committee on Rules and Order of Business will meet approximately seven days before convention to consider resolutions submitted to the committee, together with a written statement setting forth the reasons the resolution was not submitted by the resolution deadline and the reasons the resolution is of such an emergency nature that it cannot wait until the next meeting of the House.

Discussion on the floor of the House of Delegates will be limited to one speaker in dissent with the committee's recommendation. This discussion will be limited to the appropriateness of consideration and not the merits of the resolution itself.

If you would like to consult with ISMA Government Relations staff about your resolution, email

Registration is now open for the 175th Annual ISMA Convention!
Sept. 6-8 
Embassy Suites by Hilton Plainfield Indianapolis Airport 
6089 Clarks Creek Road 
Plainfield, Indiana