Weekly AMA update covers COVID-19 trends
The frequency of federal and state COVID-19 updates has decreased, despite a continuing need for data and evidence-based news. To address this, the AMA is devoting each Monday COVID-19 Update to a look at the key facts and trends of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each Monday update video features Mira Irons, MD, the AMA’s chief health and science officer. The most recent 10-minute episode is online here.

Updates throughout the week will continue to explore the wide-ranging impact of COVID-19 on patients, physicians and the medical community and feature AMA leaders and subject matter experts, along with other leading experts from across the country. They also include an overview of key AMA initiatives to help physicians, residents and medical students with their practices, training and patient care. 

The complete library of COVID-19 Updates can be found on the AMA’s YouTube Channel.