Make a difference for physicians, patients by writing a resolution
Just over three months remain before the June 11 deadline to submit resolutions for the 2023 ISMA House of Delegates to consider. Resolutions introduced by members typically encourage ISMA to support or oppose a specific position on a health policy issue or piece of legislation. Resolutions may also call on ISMA to introduce legislation on an issue. That means that introducing a resolution and having it adopted by the House of Delegates is a unique opportunity to make a difference for Indiana physicians and patients.

Submitting resolutions
Not sure how to begin? The resolution submission form explains the different parts of a resolution and guides you through the writing process. The form can accommodate most resolutions, but there are exceptions.

One important note: Footnotes will not be included in the published version of your resolution. That means the form will not accept footnotes, other citations or special text formatting such as superscript, bold, italics, underlines or strike-throughs.

If your resolution contains footnotes, citations or special text formatting, please submit the plain-text version of your resolution using the resolution submission form. Then, email a Word document version of your resolution, including any footnotes or special formatting, to The official version of your resolution will be the one submitted using the form, and the version emailed to will be attached to your resolution as background information.

Commenting on resolutions with ISMA Pulse
This year, members once again will be able to leave feedback about resolutions before convention using the ISMA Pulse digital engagement tool. Watch ISMA Reports for further details on this process as they become available.

Other resources
ISMA has developed additional resources to help members write an effective resolution. If you’re thinking about introducing a resolution, please read the online article, “How to write and submit a resolution to influence ISMA or AMA policy.” In addition, a downloadable template for creating a resolution is available.

If you still have questions about the resolution process, email them to And, be sure to watch your email and ISMA Reports for more details on the resolution process and convention.