ISMA is partnering with the IU School of Medicine on a luncheon and presentation on the importance of behavioral health. The event will be at the Meridian Hills Country Club in Indianapolis on Wednesday, March 22, at 11:30 a.m. and is complimentary for ISMA members and a guest.
The topic will be, “What is All the Fuss about Behavioral Health? A Primer on the Current Behavioral Health Crisis,” with featured speaker
Leslie Hulvershorn, MD. Dr. Hulvershorn, who will be introduced by ISMA President-elect
David R. Diaz, MD, is a clinician and researcher at Riley Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in Indianapolis. She also chairs the Department of Psychiatry at IU School of Medicine.
For questions, please
email Melissa Hornaday or phone her at 317-274-3620.