previously reported, federal legislation passed at the end of last year means that some patients eligible for continuous Medicaid coverage during the COVID-19 PHE may lose that coverage as early as April 1, 2023.
new IHCP bulletin says the process of notifying Medicaid members within 90 days of their eligibility redetermination, as required by law, has begun. It notes that roughly one-twelfth of members will be notified each month over the next year.
IHCP is asking physicians and other health care personnel to convey to patients the importance of updating their contact information and encourage them to do so using the following steps:
- Go to the FSSA Benefits Portal at
- Scroll down to the blue “Manage Your Benefits” section.
- Click either Sign in to "My account" or "Create account."
- Confirm that your contact information is correct.
- Call 800-403-0864 if you need assistance.
- Watch your mail and be sure to respond with any information requested.
The IHCP will not terminate coverage for any member without first asking them to confirm their information.
More information and resources, including free handouts, postcards and posters, are available on the
Indiana Medicaid for Members website.
IHCP is also planning a stakeholder meeting at 11 a.m. ET on March 7, to update providers on its work and answer questions.
Stakeholder meeting
March 7, 11 a.m. ET
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 260 701 100 256 Passcode: RuxR3v
Join with a video conferencing device
Video Conference ID: 114 487 466 0
Alternate VTC instructions
Or call in (audio only)
+1 317-552-1674,157676556#
United States, Indianapolis
Phone Conference ID: 157 676 556#