To date, the ISMA Board of Trustees has considered and discussed seven of the 12 resolutions referred to the board for action or study by the 2022 House of Delegates.
At their March 2023 meeting, board members considered and/or acted on the five resolutions below. Study reports were approved for the five resolutions presented.
The board considered and approved study reports for two other resolutions at its September 2022 meeting and will finalize its disposition of the remaining items at its May board meeting.
Resolution 22-36: Corporate Practice of Medicine (Study)
Resolution 22-38: Choice in ISMA County Membership (Study)
Resolution 22-39: Increasing ISMA Transparency and Member Participation (Action)
Resolution 22-50: Antiretaliation, Due Process, and Indemnification (Study)
Resolution 22-55: Accessibility to Health Care Services (Action)
For details about the board’s actions on 2022 resolutions and links to approved study reports, please visit Signing in with your ISMA username and password is required.