Members get 10% off N95 masks, federally certified and made in Indiana!
As part of ISMA’s commitment to help physicians and their practices, ISMA members can now purchase NIOSH-approved N95 respirators in quantities ranging from single boxes of 25 individually wrapped masks to entire pallets at a 10% discount. Members receive the same discount on our supplier’s surgical masks.

The newest ISMA member benefit is a collaboration with Indiana Face Mask (IFM), a family-owned business in Rensselaer, Ind. These IFM N95 masks are among only five such products, out of thousands of applicants, to be certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

“With N95 respirators in short supply through much of the pandemic, we’re pleased to be able to offer our members discounted access to a ready supply of these federally tested and certified masks, manufactured by a Hoosier-owned business,” said Julie Reed, JD, ISMA executive vice president.

“And, because the Geyer family and Indiana Face Mask are making long-term investments in their mask production capacity, this will continue to be a reliable, local way for ISMA members to source this necessary PPE in the future.”

The timing of this new source for respirators is critical, as there have been continued reports of counterfeit N95s on the market that fail to properly protect health care workers. As an additional member benefit, if a physician has a concern about the efficacy of masks acquired from other vendors, Indiana Face Mask will test any mask at no cost to ISMA.

All ISMA members can receive a 10% discount from the established pricing on the IFM site, in addition to any volume discounts, by using a dedicated ISMA member page and entering a special code. ISMA members also receive free shipping on orders to anywhere in Indiana on certain quantities.

IFM also offers an ASTM Level 3 surgical mask; that product is available at a discount to ISMA members, as well.

For more information and ordering instructions, visit the Indiana Face Mask member benefit page