Time is running out to sign up for the 2024 Women in Medicine Retreat!
Online registration closes on Feb. 15.
With renowned physician speakers set to take the stage at a world-class venue, the 2024 WIM Retreat will prove an unforgettable experience.
On Feb. 24, ISMA will again offer the retreat at the acclaimed
Bottleworks Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. The retreat is open to all female physicians and medical students in Indiana, and this year’s theme is “Contracts, Noncompetes, MedMal, Oh My: Medicolegal 101,” focusing on the emotional trauma caused by having gone through litigation and adverse patient outcomes.
Nationally recognized speakers
Stacia Dearmin, MD, and
Wendy Ledesma, MD, will keynote this year’s retreat, discussing their experiences and expertise in navigating medical malpractice lawsuits personally and professionally.
Suzanne Courtney, PsyD, a clinical psychologist from South Bend, was also recently added to this year’s
list of speakers.
Registration is $200 for physician members, $300 for nonmember physicians, and $100 for medical students and residents. The fee covers Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as the CME workshop and a reception.
To register for the WIM Retreat and view the tentative schedule, visit here.
Women in Medicine – Regional Meeting
When: March 7, 6 – 8 p.m.
Location: Forest Hills Country Club, 2168 South 23rd St., Richmond, Ind., 47374
ISMA is initiating Women in Medicine regional chapter meetings, starting in the geographical area near Richmond (Wayne County). This meeting is planned as an in-person event, with dinner provided, and is intended to promote collegiality among all female members. This event provides a unique opportunity to brainstorm collective goals, share insights, and lay the foundation for future meetings that will undoubtedly shape the future of our vibrant community. WIM Chair Jane Bridges, MD, will lead the discussion.
Your presence is key to making this occasion truly special. Let's come together and inspire a new era of excellence in women's health care leadership. Additional WIM regional meetings are in the planning process.
This meeting is for ISMA female members only. If not a member and interested in attending, or if you are interested in learning more about hosting a meeting in your geographical area, contact Ranae Obregon.
Attend WIM Virtual Discussion Forums in 2024
All female physicians and medical student members of ISMA are welcome to connect, network, and discuss topics of significance on Zoom from 7 to 8 p.m. on March 19, May 21, July 16 and Nov. 19. An in-person event will be held during the 175th ISMA Annual Convention in September.
Currently, three of the webinars will offer CME:
- March 19: Anna McKeone, MD, “The Bumpy Road to Financial Independence: Finance for Spenders.”
- July 16: Arpita Gupta DePalma, MD, “Processing Your Emotions Through Grace, Vulnerability, and Forgiveness.”
- Nov. 19: Shannon Jones, MD, “Trauma Informed Care for Self and Others.”
No session from the series will be recorded for future viewing.
Register now for each of the WIM Virtual Discussion Forums at the links below:
March 19
May 21
July 16
Nov. 19