Survey responses needed for advocacy efforts
In coordination with the American Medical Association (AMA), ISMA asks physicians to answer a survey to help inform future advocacy and legislative efforts. The survey focuses on the pressures some physicians feel from hospitals, insurers, and private equity groups to sell their practice and/or become employees of a large organization.

The survey should take about 8-9 minutes to complete for most of you; owners/partners in their practice will have a survey closer to 10-11 minutes. Please keep in mind that you can restart where you left off if needed.  

Results to numerical questions will only be presented in aggregate, and open-ended comments that might be highlighted will not include any identifying information. While AMA is conducting the survey, the results will be shared with ISMA to help further statewide advocacy efforts.

Take the survey at You can start the survey and return to finish it at a later time if needed.