Single-dose vials of COVID vaccine available to order
The White House vaccine team has asked the AMA and other medical associations to let members know that single-dose vials of Pfizer’s bivalent COVID-19 for adults are now available for ordering by local and federal vaccine administration partners.

“This limited introduction of single-dose vials is designed to allow partners to offer the updated COVID-19 vaccines in more places, such as physicians’ offices or mobile clinics that may not have the capacity or demand to keep multi-dose vials of COVID-19 vaccine on hand,” according to a notice from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “It is the latest step in improving ease of access for COVID-19 vaccines and creates the potential for more equitable availability of this lifesaving product.”

The minimum order quantity is 50 doses, and awardees will be limited to 150 single-dose vials per order.

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