Accredited for 5.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
Friday, Sept. 6, 2024 (ISMA 175th Annual Convention weekend)
Registration: 8:30 a.m. ET
Symposium: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET
Reception: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. ET
Location: Embassy Suites, 6089 Clarks Creek Road, Plainfield, IN
Physicians, Medical Students, Wellness Officers, Hospital Administrators, and other Healthcare Wellness Leaders
FEE (includes lunch and reception):
Physician members: $50
Physician nonmembers: $100
Nonmember other: $50
Resident/student members: $25
This registration, which closes on Sept. 3 at 11:59 p.m. ET, is for attending the symposium only. To register for the 175th Annual Convention and reserve a hotel room, register here.
Join us for an inspiring and educational discussion at our inaugural Physician Wellness Symposium. In the demanding landscape of health care, it's easy for physicians to prioritize patient care over their own mental, emotional, and physical health. This symposium is designed to empower physicians and healthcare organizations with practical tools, insights, and strategies to cultivate resilience, find balance, and rediscover the joy in their noble profession. This program will include a special session focusing on addressing physician wellness within the organization by hosting an interactive panel discussion with physician wellness leaders across the state who are actively engaged in creating supportive work environments within their institutions.

In 2020, the Indianapolis Colts and the Jim Irsay family launched "Kicking the Stigma," an initiative to raise awareness about mental health and removed the stigma often associated with mental health disorders.
Physicians and professional athletes are both held to certain higher standards by the public (athletes) and patients (physicians). Concern about professional reputation and potential career implications can deter them from addressing their mental health issues. Kicking the Stigma campaign is twofold: Raising awareness about the prevalence of mental health disorders in our communities and raising and distributing funds to nonprofits and other organizations to expand treatment and research in Indiana and beyond. Brett Kramer will lead the presentation.